Chapter Quest Wiki

+Skirmish Report+

+Operation "Dormant"+

+By: Macedon, Captain of the 6th Company+

+To: Chapter Master+

Chapter Cruiser "Morbid" has intercepted Ork-infested asteroid swarm Theta-Phi-2230 on it's way to Wladistan on 099.342.M41. We carefully approached the swarm and sent squads Primus, Secundus and Quartus via landing craft to infiltrate the swarm, while squad Tertio was prepared in reserve. They landed on the main Rok and drilled their way inside. Fortunately, when squad Quartus entered the caves, Orks were still dormant, so they proceeded to lay explosives. However soon squad Secundus ran into trouble as they stumbled upon makeshift control bridge for the rock, where they were confronted by a Weirdboy and his companions. Brother Sardis and Kovir were killed in the ensuing fight, but the Weirdboy was killed and none of the orks survived to raise the alarm. I myself lead squad Primus to the deepest caverns of the Rok, carefully trying not to wake thousands of Orks that were lying all around us. In the very depths of the hulk we found a huge, fat, inert piece of xeno meat that we identified as the Warlord. Unfortunately we didn't take any prisoners to interrogate what his name was(I admit my fault in this, we should have done this to identify his Klan of origin). I decided not to risk waking him up and butchered him with my powersword. Afterwards Leutenant Hector mined his corpse from inside just to be sure. By the time we started to withdraw, enemy started waking up, however they were still slow and confused from space travel coma, we slaughtered close to nine hundred of them while retreating without a single casualty. A few brothers were wounded, but nothing serious. According to your instructions, we decided that sun is the only way to kill the orks for sure, so we waited for a week until swarm was close to a star and only then activated the explosives.

When the main Rok was destroyed, the rest of the swarm without it's gravitational pull tumbled into the stars gravity well and within next 8 years all of the asteroids will melt on its surface. It is a shame that inhabitants of that little primitive planet will never know that Sardis and Kovir died for them, but we have done our duty and Wladistan is safe. Mission acomplished, Sixth Company is awaiting new orders.
